Lot #: 83572
CARTE de la TURQUIE, de l'ARABIE et de la PERSE avec leurs dependances. |
Views: 242
Including the Arabian Peninsular, Egypt, Persia, Caspian Sea, north eastern part of Africa, Cyprus and Mediterranean. From Chatelain's monumental 7 volume "Atlas Historique".
The atlas, though published anonymously, is generally known to have been the work of the Chatelain family. Ground-breaking for its time, this work included studies of geography, history, ethnology, heraldry, and cosmography.
Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684 – 1743) was a Huguenot pastor of Parisian origins. He lived consecutively in Paris, St. Martins, London (c. 1710), the Hague (c. 1721) and Amsterdam (c. 1728). He is best known as a Dutch cartographer and more specifically for his cartographic contribution in the seminal seven volume Atlas Historique, published from 1705 to 1720.
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