Lot #: 98652
Carte des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale. |
Views: 228
East coast from Massachusetts to Georgia. Pennsylvania appears to have two western boundaries, an irregular boundary from west of Pittsburgh extending to Lake Erie, and another cutting off the state short of Pittsburgh.
This map is one of the earliest to name the United States. This very early map presents the newly-formed United States.
It covers the region from Georgia to Maine (Machasuzet Bay), and westward to include Lake Erie. The map has good topographical detail, and it also includes numerous settlements, forts, and Indian villages. It locates Baltimore, Annapolis, Alexandria, New York, Boston, Ft. Halifax, and much more.
Reference: McCorkle #782.1B; Sellers & van Ee #744.
This map is one of the earliest to name the United States. This very early map presents the newly-formed United States.
It covers the region from Georgia to Maine (Machasuzet Bay), and westward to include Lake Erie. The map has good topographical detail, and it also includes numerous settlements, forts, and Indian villages. It locates Baltimore, Annapolis, Alexandria, New York, Boston, Ft. Halifax, and much more.
Reference: McCorkle #782.1B; Sellers & van Ee #744.
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