Lot #: 83642
Carte Reduite des Bancs et de L'Ile de TERRE-NEUVE avec les Cotes du Golfe de St. Laurent et de l'Acadie. |
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Selling price: $600 Sold in 2020 Join News Letter to get informed when a similar item comes available. |
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A detailed chart showing the island of Nova Scotia, the St Laurence Gulf, and Acadie. With a fully colored key and numerous rhumb lines, published by the French Hydrographical Department. This chart was produced by Jacques-Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772), France's preeminent maritime cartographer and the Premier Ingénieur of the Depot de la Marine (the French Hydrographical Office), as well as the Official Hydrographer of the King Louis XV. Appearing in volume 2 of Bellin's 'Hydrographie Francoise', one of the most important compilations of Sea Charts published in the 18th Century.
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