Lot #: 86093
World [2 sheets set] Northern/Southern Hemispheres. Cook's Travels |
Views: 217
World map in two sheets. 1789 dated on the maps.
"Emisfero terrestre
Settentrionale Delineato secondo le ultime osservazioni con i viaggi e
nuove scoperte del Cap Cook" "Emisfero terrestre Meridionale Delineato
secondo le ultime osservazioni con i viaggi e nuove scoperte del Cap
By Calcografia Camerale. Rome, from "Nuovo Atlante Geografico Universale delineato sulle ultime osservazioni"
This elegant hand colored set of two maps by Giovanni Maria Cassini appeared
following the discoveries of Captain Cook in the late 18th century. The
portions of Cook’s voyages which took place in the northern and southern hemisphere
are denoted on the maps, including the dates of the voyages at various
stages. The perspectives are from directly above the North/South Pole, so
includes all of the World as seen from the Poles.
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