Lot #: 97945
TABULA TOPOGRAPHICA OMNIUM LOCORUM et CONVENTUUM PROV. S. LUDOVICI ord. Min. S. Francisci. Conventaul. juxta novam Unionem, ac Distributione in Galliis Sactam Anno 1771. |
Views: 226
An unsual map taken from 'Provinciale Ordinis Fratrum Minorum S. Francisci Conventualium seu Polychronicon Jordanis...' , an atlas depicting the Franciscan friaries of Europe. Along with its side original title page.
Copperplate with fine original coloring. Here covering Provence and the regions of Arles and Avignon.Known to have been printed after a manuscript atlas in the Vatican library. The map shows only geographical locations with presence of the Franciscan order.
Total size including text leaf: 200 x 576 mm.
Copperplate with fine original coloring. Here covering Provence and the regions of Arles and Avignon.Known to have been printed after a manuscript atlas in the Vatican library. The map shows only geographical locations with presence of the Franciscan order.
Total size including text leaf: 200 x 576 mm.
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