Lot #: 98399
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Verus Chersonesi Tauricae Seu Crimea Conspectus. |
Views: 191
A copperplate hand colored map with a cartouche and ships showing mainly the Crimean peninsula. First edition of the map.The map is a fine sample of early Russian cartography in the newly founded Academy of St.Petersburg . It contains all the new information collected by the Russian military staff during the campaign / first attempt by the Russian empire to extend its boundaries to the Black sea and to conquer the Crimean Tatar Khanate The united Russian and Ukrainian forces attacked the Khanate during the Chigirin Campaigns and the Crimean Campaigns. It was during the Russo-Turkish War, 1735-1739 that the Russians, under the command of Field-Marshal Münnich, finally managed to penetrate the Crimean Peninsula itself, burning and destroying everything on their way.
With a stamp on left side.
With a stamp on left side.
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