Lot #: 83530
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LE COLONIE UNITE dell' AMERICA SETTENTRle di nuova projezione assee li signori. . . (Title Page and Bermuda) |
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Selling price: $400 Sold in 2020 Join News Letter to get informed when a similar item comes available. |
Views: 212
A striking, beautifull, title page of Zatta's twelve sheet monumental work, with inset showing the island of Bermuda.
This map is a part of the Italian edition of John Mitchell's map of the British Colonies in North America. It includes details regarding towns, roads, rivers, mountains, indian tribes and other regional features. Issued both separately and as part of Zatta's 'Atlante Novissimo', the map is 1 of 12 sections comprising the Italian edition of Mitchell's map of North America.
The Italian edition is richly illustrated with annotations not found on the English edition of the Mitchell.
This map is a part of the Italian edition of John Mitchell's map of the British Colonies in North America. It includes details regarding towns, roads, rivers, mountains, indian tribes and other regional features. Issued both separately and as part of Zatta's 'Atlante Novissimo', the map is 1 of 12 sections comprising the Italian edition of Mitchell's map of North America.
The Italian edition is richly illustrated with annotations not found on the English edition of the Mitchell.
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