Lot #: 83545
ETHIOPIA, ABISSINIA, dove sono le Fonti del Nilo descritta secondo le relationi de P. P. Mendez,, Almeida, Pais, Lobo, e Lodulfo. . . |
Views: 307
A scarce map of Abyssinia, showing the Upper Nile and its sources and the regions once thought to be the dominion of the Christian King, Prester John.
The map provides a detailed image of the region, including kingdoms, rivers, mountain ranges, lakes and other details. The inset map shows the full course of the Nile. The map is based in part upon information which Coronelli derived a number of contemporary reports, including Pietro Paez's, who arrived in the region in 1603, and whose manuscript account of the affairs of Ethiopia, which is said to exist at Rome in the secretary's office of the crown of Portugal, covers the period 1555 to 1622, and from whom even Kircher relied for his Kircher for description of the sources of the Nile, which he visited in 1618.
Don Alfonzo Mendez, who arrived in 1625 and later wrote his 'Relation du Reverendissime Patriarche D'Ethiopie Dom Alphonze Mendez, touchant la conversion des ames qui s'est faite en cet empire depuis l'annee 1629'.
Jesuit Missionary Jerome Lobo, who would later write his 'Voyage Historique D'Abyssinie'.
The map provides a detailed image of the region, including kingdoms, rivers, mountain ranges, lakes and other details. The inset map shows the full course of the Nile. The map is based in part upon information which Coronelli derived a number of contemporary reports, including Pietro Paez's, who arrived in the region in 1603, and whose manuscript account of the affairs of Ethiopia, which is said to exist at Rome in the secretary's office of the crown of Portugal, covers the period 1555 to 1622, and from whom even Kircher relied for his Kircher for description of the sources of the Nile, which he visited in 1618.
Don Alfonzo Mendez, who arrived in 1625 and later wrote his 'Relation du Reverendissime Patriarche D'Ethiopie Dom Alphonze Mendez, touchant la conversion des ames qui s'est faite en cet empire depuis l'annee 1629'.
Jesuit Missionary Jerome Lobo, who would later write his 'Voyage Historique D'Abyssinie'.
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