6 listings found. Showing results 1 to 6
Wilhem Hoffmann Dresden.

Chromo lithographed poster, "Wilhelm Hoffmann Dresden.", after Otto Fischer. Plate 127, published in Maître 32, on July 1898. The "Les Maitres de l'Affich...

Maker / Publisher: FISCHER, O.
Place & Date: Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, April 1896
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2017


Hippodrome au pont de l'Alma . . .

Chromo lithographed poster, "Hippodrome au pont de l'Alma . . .", by Jules Chéret (1836–1932). Plate 125, published in Maître 32, on July 1898. The "Le...

Maker / Publisher: CHERET, J.
Place & Date: Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, April 1897
Selling price: $200
Sold in 2017


The quest of the golden girl . . .

Chromo lithographed poster, " The quest of the golden girl . . .", after Miss Ethel Reed (American, 1876–d. ca. 1925). Plate 128, published in Maître 32, on ...

Maker / Publisher: REED, E.
Place & Date: Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, April 1898
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2017


Untitled by De Feure Georges.

Supplement Plate N°8, from Maitres de l'Affiche. Chromo lithographed plate, by De Feure Georges (French, 1868-1943), published in 1898. The "Les Maitres de l'Affich...

Maker / Publisher: DE FEURE, G.
Place & Date: Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, April 1898
Selling price: $100
Sold in 2017


Les Arts de la Femme . . .

Chromo lithographed poster, "Les Arts de la Femme . . .", by MOREAU, N. Plate 58, published in Maître 15, on February 1897. The "Les Maitres de l'Affiche&...

Maker / Publisher: MOREAU, E.
Place & Date: Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, April 1900
Selling price: $50
Sold in 2017


Harpers Christmas.

Les Affiches Étrangères were printed in 1895-1896 by Jules Cheret of the Chaix Imprimerie. The plates are printed in stone lithography. "Harpers Christmas" st...

$150 / ≈ €139.48
Maker / Publisher: Les Affiches Étrangères
Place & Date: 1897 paris
Selling price: $150
Sold in 2021